

中文詞彙 英文詞彙 內容
同儕審查 Peer review 查看
紐倫堡守則 Nuremberg Code 查看
利益衝突 Conflicts of Interest, COI 查看
倫理審查 Ethical reviews 查看
掠奪性出版/期刊/出版社 Predatory publishing, journals, and publishers 查看
客座作者,或稱榮譽/聲望作者 Guest author; also called as honorary (or prestige) authorship 查看
課責 Accountability 查看
赫爾辛基宣言 Declaration of Helsinki 查看
計畫主持人 Principal investigator 查看
強迫作者 Coercive authorship 查看
行善 Beneficence 查看
學術倫理 Academic ethics 查看
學術欺騙,或稱學術不誠實 Academic deception (fraud); also called as academic dishonesty 查看
學術寫作格式 Academic writing formats 查看
學術誠信 Academic integrity 查看
相互掛名 Mutual support authorship; also called as mutual admiration authorship 查看
知情同意 Informed consent 查看
正義 Justice 查看
重複出版 Duplicate publication; also called as redundant publication 查看
抄襲 Plagiarism 查看