依據國際專業組織 International Center for Academic Integrity(2021)的定義,學術誠信是指對六項基本價值的承諾:誠實、信任、公平、尊重、責任與勇氣,且即使在逆境中也要能實踐;這些價值觀會延伸出一些行為原則,使學術界能夠將理念轉化為實際的行動。
Compliance with ethical and professional principles, standards and practices by individuals or institutions in education, research and scholarship.
European Network for Academic Integrity. (2018).Glossary for academic integrity. https://www.academicintegrity.eu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Glossary_revised_final.pdf
中文詞彙 | 英文詞彙 | 內容 |
研究誠信 | Research Integrity, RI | 查看 |
學術倫理 | Academic ethics | 查看 |
研究倫理專員 | Research Integrity Officer (RIO) | 查看 |
學術欺騙,或稱學術不誠實 | Academic deception (fraud); also called as academic dishonesty | 查看 |
學術寫作格式 | Academic writing formats | 查看 |