Research Integrity Officer (RIO)
釋義 Definition or explanation
- A research integrity officer (RIO) serves a complex, exacting, and unique role within their institution. In one week, they may serve as judge, mediator, counselor, teacher, and regulations manager. They could have the Centers for Disease Control on the phone while a graduate student cries in their office. The RIO is one of the most intricate and unique positions in academia.
- Research integrity officers (RIOs) play an important role in maintaining standards of research and activities related to research such as publishing. The immediate role of the RIO is to serve his or her institution, but such individuals are also involved in maintenance of community standards.
資料來源 Reference
- 原則上「單字中英文釋義」欄位的內容皆採用原文引用(即未經改寫),僅少部分內容有經微幅文字編輯。若欲對釋義內容有更深入的瞭解,敬請參考「資料來源」欄位所提供之原始出處的完整內容。
- 資料來源無編號:代表釋義內容出自同一筆來源。
- 資料來源有項目符號:代表釋義內容是引用多筆來源合寫而成。
- 資料來源有編號:代表該來源是相同編號之釋義內容的原始出處。