

Predatory publishing, journals, and publishers

釋義 Definition or explanation

隨著近年開放取用出版的興起,掠奪性或有問題的出版品及會議越來越多。掠奪性期刊通常打著開放取用出版的理念與經營模式,四處邀請研究者將學術論文投稿至他們的期刊,以便收取論文處理費(article processing charges),掠奪性會議(predatory conferences)的操作手法亦是如此。這些期刊及會議通常聲稱有很好的編輯委員及同儕審查制度,甚至有相對應的期刊影響指數,但其實這些都不是事實;收取高額的論文處理費以獲取大量金錢利益,才是他們最首要的營運目的。

  1. Predatory journals and publishers are entities that prioritize self-interest at the expense of scholarship and are characterized by false or misleading information, deviation from best editorial and publication practices, a lack of transparency, and/or the use of aggressive and indiscriminate solicitation practices.
  2. Predatory publishing generally refers to the systematic for-profit publication of purportedly scholarly content (in journals and articles, monographs, books, or conference proceedings) in a deceptive or fraudulent way and without any regard for quality assurance. Here, 'for-profit' refers to profit generation per se. Whereas predatory publishers are profit-generating businesses, some may conceivably pose as non-profit entities such as academic societies or research institutions. This is not to suggest that ‘for profit’ is, in itself, problematic but that these journals exist solely for profit without any commitment to publication ethics or integrity of any kind.

資料來源 Reference

周倩、潘璿安(2020)。掠奪性出版的簡介及防範之道〔學術倫理小知識〕。臺灣學術倫理教育資源中心。 http://ethics.moe.deu.tw/

  1. Grudniewicz, A., Moher, D., Cobey, K. D., Bryson, G. L., Cukier, S., Allen, K.,… Lalu, M. M. (2019). Predatory journals: No definition, no defence. Nature, 576, 210–212. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-019-03759-y
  2. Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Council. (2019). COPE Discussion document: Predatory publishing. https://doi.org/10.24318/cope.2019.3.6

相關詞彙 Related Words
中文詞彙 英文詞彙 內容
出版倫理 Publication ethics 查看
重複出版 Duplicate publication; also called as redundant publication 查看
分散出版,或稱切香腸式出版 Piecemeal (or fragmented) publication; also called as salami publications 查看
掠奪性期刊/掠奪性會議 Predatory journals/predatory conferences 查看
開放取用出版 Open access publishing 查看

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