- 違反學術倫理的行為:研究上的不當行為包含範圍甚廣,本規範主要涵蓋核心的違反學術倫理行為,即造假、變造、抄襲、研究成果重複發表或未適當引註、以違法或不當手段影響論文審查、不當作者列名等。
- 指未能合於負責任且適當研究行為的作為,且嚴重的違反研究誠信原則者,為不當研究行為。
- 根據2000年由美國白宮科技政策辦公室(Office of Science and Technology Policy, OSTP)所提之《聯邦不當研究行為政策》(Federal Research Misconduct Policy)的定義,不當研究行為是「在提出、執行或審核研究計畫或報告研究結果時,捏造(fabrication)、篡改(falsification)或抄襲(plagiarism)的作為」,可簡稱為FFP(The Office of Research Integrity, 2000)。
- Research misconduct means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.
- Unacceptable or improper behavior in any part of research.
- Intentional, knowing, or reckless behavior in research that is widely viewed as highly unethical and often illegal. Most definitions define research misconduct as fabrication or falsification of data or plagiarism, and some include other behaviors in the definition, such as interfering with a misconduct investigation, significant violations of human research regulations, or serious deviations from commonly accepted practices. Honest errors and scientific disputes are not regarded as misconduct.