Research Ethic Committee, REC; also called as Institutional Review Board, IRB
釋義 Definition or explanation
- A multidisciplinary, independent body responsible for reviewing research proposals to ensure that the necessary procedures will be followed and the dignity, rights and welfare of any participants (human or animals) are protected.
- A committee responsible for reviewing and overseeing human subjects research. An IRB may also be called a research ethics committee (REC) or research ethics board (REB). IRBs usually include members from different backgrounds and disciplines, with institutional and outside members, scientists and non-scientists.
資料來源 Reference
相關詞彙 Related Words
中文詞彙 |
英文詞彙 |
內容 |
倫理審查 |
Ethical reviews |
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人類受試者保護 |
Human-subject protection |
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- 資料來源有項目符號:代表釋義內容是引用多筆來源合寫而成。
- 資料來源有編號:代表該來源是相同編號之釋義內容的原始出處。