Author; authorship
釋義 Definition or explanation
- Author: A person who makes a significant contribution to a creative work. Many journal guidelines define an author as someone who makes a significant contribution to 1) research conception and design, 2) data acquisition, or 3) data analysis or interpretation; and who drafts or critically reads the paper and approves the final manuscript.
- Author: A person (either individual or organization) who created or contributed to the creation of original work.
- Authorship: Attribution of authors credits.
資料來源 Reference
相關詞彙 Related Words
中文詞彙 |
英文詞彙 |
內容 |
不當作者列名,或稱不當掛名 |
Unethical authorship |
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受贈作者 |
Gift author |
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客座作者,或稱榮譽/聲望作者 |
Guest author; also called as honorary (or prestige) authorship |
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幽靈作者 |
Ghost author |
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強迫作者 |
Coercive authorship |
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- 原則上「單字中英文釋義」欄位的內容皆採用原文引用(即未經改寫),僅少部分內容有經微幅文字編輯。若欲對釋義內容有更深入的瞭解,敬請參考「資料來源」欄位所提供之原始出處的完整內容。
- 資料來源無編號:代表釋義內容出自同一筆來源。
- 資料來源有項目符號:代表釋義內容是引用多筆來源合寫而成。
- 資料來源有編號:代表該來源是相同編號之釋義內容的原始出處。