

Mega journal

釋義 Definition or explanation

根據Björk定義,巨錄期刊為作者支付出版費用(APC)的開放取用期刊(Open Access),具有大量出版、具有同儕審核機制、收錄領域廣泛、完全開放、快速發布、適中的作者出版費用及為高聲望出版社等特色。(Björk)(編按:mega journal通常翻譯為巨錄期刊或巨型期刊。)

  1. Mega journals publish a broad variety of research without judging the perceived importance of it. Instead, they look purely at the soundness of the research. Well-known mega journals include PLOS ONE, Scientific Reports, and PeerJ. (Taylor & Francis)

  2. Mega-journals are a new kind of scholarly journal made possible by electronic publishing. They are open access (OA) and funded by charges, which authors pay for the publishing services. What distinguishes mega-journals from other OA journals is, in particular, a peer review focusing only on scientific trustworthiness. The journals can easily publish thousands of articles per year and there is no need to filter articles due to restricted slots in the publishing schedule. (Björk)

資料來源 Reference
  1. 李明錦(2021)。Megal journal不一定是掠奪型期刊。國立臺灣大學圖書館參考服務部落格。http://tul.blog.ntu.edu.tw/archives/27792

  2. Björk, B. C. (2018). Evolution of the scholarly mega-journal, 2006-2017. PeerJ, 6, e4357.

  1. Taylor & Francis. (n.d). Glossary. Author Services. https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/glossary/

  2. Björk, B. C. (2018). Evolution of the scholarly mega-journal, 2006-2017. PeerJ, 6, e4357. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4357 

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  • 原則上「單字中英文釋義」欄位的內容皆採用原文引用(即未經改寫),僅少部分內容有經微幅文字編輯。若欲對釋義內容有更深入的瞭解,敬請參考「資料來源」欄位所提供之原始出處的完整內容。
  • 資料來源無編號:代表釋義內容出自同一筆來源。
  • 資料來源有項目符號:代表釋義內容是引用多筆來源合寫而成。
  • 資料來源有編號:代表該來源是相同編號之釋義內容的原始出處。