

Research reproducibility, or research replicability

釋義 Definition or explanation
  1. 再現性(reproducibility)是科學研究的要件。科學研究報告必須清楚說明研究方法及結果,一方面揭露研究結果是在何種情境下產生,以供他人瞭解、討論,一方面也讓他人可以採用相同的方法來複製研究。

  2. Reproducibility是指從一樣的數據、計算步驟、研究方法、研究條件下,再做一次可以得到相同的結果;replicability是為回答一樣問題而進行不同研究,都獲得一致結果。

  1. The ability of independent researchers to obtain the same (or similar) results when repeating an experiment or test. (Shamoo)

  2. (in scientific and clinical disciplines) Reproducibility can be described as taking an existing dataset from a study, re-running the same analysis strategy that was used, and hopefully producing the exact same statistical findings, this is usually useful for spotting errors. (Diaba-Nuhoho & Amponsah-Offeh)

  3. The ability for an independent researcher to achieve the same results of an experiment, test, or study, under the same conditions. A research paper should include information necessary for other scientists to reproduce the results. Reproducibility is different from repeatability, in which researchers repeat their own experiments to verify the results. Reproducibility is one of the hallmarks of good science. (NIH)

資料來源 Reference
  1. 吳佳瑾(2015,11月1日)。科學研究現危機-多數研究結果都不可信?科學月刊,551https://www.scimonth.com.tw/archives/4070

  2. 周倩(2022,9月)。 開放科學的興起:定義、內涵與因應之道 (27)。國家科學及技術委員會研究誠信電子報第50期。

  1. Resnik, D. B., & Shamoo, A. E. (2017). Reproducibility and Research Integrity. Accountability in Research, 24(2), 116-123. https://doi.org/10.1080/08989621.2016.1257387

  2. Diaba-Nuhoho, P., Amponsah-Offeh, M. (2021). Reproducibility and research integrity: the role of scientists and institutions. BMC Res Notes, 14, 451. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13104-021-05875-3

  3. Resnik D. B. (2015). Glossary of Commonly Used Terms in Research Ethics. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. https://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/resources/bioethics/glossary/index.cfm

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